Thursday, December 2, 2010

Psalm 67 with verses numbered according to branches of Menorah and seven sefiros

Psalm 67

For the conductor, a psalm with instrumental music, a song:

Chesed / Lovingkindness:

1. May God favor us and bless us;
may He cause His countenance to shine with us, selah.

Gevurah / Might:

2. So that Your way become known on earth;
among all nations, Your deliverance.

Tif'eres / Harmony:

3. Peoples will acknowledge You, O God;
peoples will acknowledge You, all of them.

Netzach / Victory:

4. Nations will rejoice and sing,
for You will judge the peoples fairly
and guide the nations on earth, selah

Hod / Splendor:

5. Peoples will acknowledge You, O God;
peoples will acknowledge You, all of them.

Yesod / Foundation:

6. The earth will have yielded its produce.
May God, our God, bless us.

Malkhus / Kingship:

7. May God bless us,
and may all ends of the earth revere Him.

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