Tuesday, February 15, 2011


In Likkutei Moharan I, 231, the Rebbe stated that during Pesukei de-Zimra, in “Vayevarekh Dovid,” when one recites the phrase “u-tzeva’ah ha-shomayim lekha mishtachavim . . . The heavenly hosts prostrate themselves unto You” (Nechemiah 9:6), it is a favorable time for one to add a personal prayer. According to Kitzur Likkutei Moharan (ad loc.): “[At this moment] one may pray for everything, for then all the angels prostrate themselves and render homage to God, may He be blessed. Therefore, it is good to entreat that HaShem command them to transmit whatever one needs. For example, if one needs healing, one should meditate that HaShem command [the angels] to invest the spiritual powers of healing into one’s bread and water, etc.” Cf. Likkutei Moharan II, 1, re. the role of the angels in the transfer of shefa’, etc.
(This kavannah is also mentioned in Yesod Ve-Shoresh Ha-‘avodah 3:5. We thank R. Dovid Friedman of Brooklyn for this source.)


The Rebbe also stated that when reciting Psalm 148 during Pesukei de-Zimra, one should recite these words with special fervor, for one is calling upon all aspects of creation and charging them to praise Hashem.
(Likkutei Moharan I, 232)


In “Yishtabach,” the conclusion of the berakhah is “Melekh Yachid Chei ha-’Olamim.” This phraseology parallels that in the opening berakhah of Pesukei de-Zimra: “Barukh she-amar . . . Yachid Chei ha-’Olamim, Melekh meshubach…” Reb Avraham Sternhartz attested that this was the Rebbe’s custom, which has been followed by Breslover Chassidim ever since.
(Heard from Rabbi Elazar Mordechai Kenig and other Breslov communal leaders; cf. Si’ach Sarfey Kodesh II, 119.)


The neshamah of Rav Sa’adia Gaon once appeared in a vision to the Rebbe and told him to perform nefilas apayim during “Tachanun” on his left arm, both during Shacharis and Minchah. However, it is unclear if this was a hora’ah for others. Therefore, some Breslovers follow this practice, while others do not. Still others take an in-between position, leaning on both arms during Shacharis to avoid being conspicuous.
(See Chayei Moharan 448; cf. Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chaim 131:1, as discussed in Mishnah Berurah s.k. 4-6, citing ha-GRA; similarly, Chayei Adam 32:33, who adds that if one wears Tefillin during Minchah, he should nevertheless lean on his left arm)

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