Minchah-Maariv Customs
From Breslov
Eikh Shehu: Breslov Customs and Practices, Past and Present, compiled by
Dovid Zeitlin and Dovid Sears (work-in-progress). We are grateful to Rabbi
Dovid Shapiro for his ongoing contribution to this project.
Chassidim today try to daven Minchah before dusk (sh’kiah). This seems
to reflect the Rebbe's general rule that one should avoid postponing prayer.
Rabbi Chaim Vital, Sha'ar ha-Kavannos, Nusach ha-Tefilah 51d; Sha'ar
ha-Mitzvos, Ki Seitzei 60b. However, if one is delayed, it is permissible
to daven Minchah until close to tzes ha-kokhavim, as stated by
the RaMA, Orach Chaim 233:1. Magen Avraham, ad loc., mentions
that when there was no other choice, the MaHaRiL would daven Minchah as late as a few
minutes before tzes ha-kokhavim, and the Pri Megadim takes this
to be the halakhah.)
Reb Avraham Sternhartz told Reb Gedaliah Kenig that in
Ukraine, the time of sh’kiah was taken more loosely than in Eretz
Yisrael. It is possible that the Breslov zehirus today to daven
earlier has its origins in Eretz Yisrael, where the twilight is shorter.
(Heard from Rabbi Dovid Shapiro. Also see the earlier posting
in this series about “Zmanim,” where Rabbi Zalman Naftalis and Rabbi
Avraham Moshe Wasilski both mention that the attitude in the Ukraine re. sh’kiah
was less precise.)
Reb Elazar Kenig
has told his talmidim not to daven Minchah Gedolah (i.e., during
the early afternoon) except under extenuating circumstances; for example, if
one is a rebbi or a bochur in yeshivah where everyone
davens Minchah before the afternoon seder, or if one is traveling.
It is preferable to daven during the late afternoon after the onset of Minchah
Ketanah (2.5 hours [sha’os zmaniyos] before sh’kiah).
(Cf. Rabbi Chaim
Vital, Sha'ar ha-Kavannos, Drushei Tefilas Minchah, Drush 2. The Arizal
was particular to daven Minchah at the end of the afternoon, before sh’kiah.
That Minchah Gedolah is bidieved
is indicated by the Shulchan Arukh itself; see Orach Chaim 233:1
and the Sha'arei Teshuvah, ad loc.)
Gedaliah Kenig was particular to daven toward the end of Minchah
from Rabbi Noach Cheifetz)
ha-Tefillah: The Shemoneh Esreh of both Minchah and
Ma'ariv concludes with "Sim shalom," as at the end of Shacharis,
not with "Shalom rav," as in nusach Ashkenaz.
Heitiv, Orach Chaim 127, in the name of the Arizal; also cf. Shulchan
ha-Tahor [Komarno], 127:4)
Levi Yitzchak Bender once had a discussion about nusach ha-tefillah with
Rabbi Avraham Moshe Wasilski when the latter was a yeshivah bochur learning
in Yerushalayim. Although Reb Avraham Moshe’s father, Reb Herschel Wasilski, davenned
according to nusach Ashkenaz, Reb Levi Yitzchok told him to say “Sim
Shalom” at the end of the Ma’ariv Shemoneh Esreh. He added, “Zeit
nisht ken chokhom –unzerer leit hobn getohn azoy . . . Don’t be a ‘wise
guy’ – this is what our fellow Breslovers [of past generations] used to do.”
from Rabbi Avraham Moshe Wasilski)
Chassidim, like most Russian and Ukrainian Chassidim, do not omit Tachanun
from Minchah except on days of simchah.
(It would
seem that the reason why some Chassidic groups do so is because they are
accustomed to daven Minchah at the end of bein ha-shemashos, when
nefilas apayim is questionable; see Magen Avraham on Orach Chaim 131:3.
However, Magen Dovid and Ba’er Heitiv [ad loc.] rule that nefilas
apayim is permissible during bein ha-shemashos. Also see Rav Ovadiah
Yosef, Teshuvos Yechaveh Daas, Vol. VI, no. 7. In one of his teshuvos, Rav Yitzchak Leibes remarks
that the minhag throughout Poland, Galicia and Hungary was to daven
Minchah le-chatchila after the sh’kiah; see Teshuvos Beis Avi
on Orach Chaim, no. 18)
Gedaliah told his talmidim to recite Tachanun even in a shul where
Tachanun is omitted at Minchah be-shittah (as in some Chassidic shuls).
However, this should be done discreetly, and only prior to sh’kiah.
(Heard from
Rabbi Aharon Waxler and Rabbi Chaim Man. Reb Gedaliah was emphatic about
refraining from unusual hanhagos that draw attention to oneself.)
Like his
father, Reb Elazar davens Minchah in his talis and Shemusha
Rabah Tefillin. However, no one else in the Tzefas chaburah wears talis
and Tefillin for Minchah. Even Reb Elazar did so only privately for many
years. In other Breslov communities, this is similarly uncommon.
(This was
the custom of the Arizal; see Rabbi Chaim Vital, Sha’ar ha-Kavannos, Drushei
Tefillas Minchah, Drush 2. Reb Elazar’s Shemusha Rabah Tefillin,
which he received from his father, are large and written according to ksav
ARI. From the viewpoint of the person facing the wearer, the parshiyos are
arranged (right to left): 1. vi-hoyo im shamo’a; 2. shema; 3. vi-hoyo
ki-viyacho; 4. kadesh li kol bekhor. This follows the shittah
of the RaMA of Pano. According to Rashi, the parshiyos should be arranged in
the opposite seder. A variant minhag re. Shemusha Rabah
Tefillin is that the parshiyos are arranged according to the view of
Rashi, but the batim are larger than those worn in the morning—ideally
four by four finger-widths.)
Elazar Kenig usually wears Shemusha Rabah Tefillin for at least an hour
during the afternoon before Minchah, and often for even longer.
Gedaliah Kenig followed the Sefardic nusach for the beginning of the
first berakhah of Ma'ariv: "ha-ma'ariv aravim be-chokhmah,
u-meshaneh ittim bi-tevunah…"
from Rabbi Chaim Man. Although most Ashkenazim do not follow this nusach,
it was redacted by the Minchas Elazar in his nusach ha-tefillah; see Darkei
Chaim ve-Shalom 328; Nimukei Orach Chaim 236. This is cited by Rabbi
Chaim Vital in the name of the Arizal in Sha’ar ha-Kavannos; also cf.
Rabbi Yisrael Ya’akov Algazi, Shalmey Tzibbur, Seder Tefillas Arvis, 3.)
Rabbi Dovid Shapiro asked him about the nusach he should follow, this
was among the things Reb Gedaliah instructed him to do. Rabbi Shapiro stated
that this does not reflect an adoption of the Sefardic nusach ha-tefilah
as such, but a rule of thumb that Reb Gedaliah followed in such matters: When
we have a mesorah from Reb Avraham Sternhartz, that’s what we should
follow; otherwise, we follow what Rav Chaim Vital states in Shaar HaKavanos
(re. the nusach of the Arizal).
from Rabbi Dovid Shapiro)
Gedaliah also followed the Sefardic nusach prior to "mi
kamokhah": "Malkhusekha HaShem Elokeinu ra'u vanekha al ha-yam,
yachad kulam hodu vi-himlikhu ve-amru…"
from Rabbi Chaim Man)
the nus'chos of the Tzefas community for these parts of Ma'ariv are
those of the standard Chassidic Nusach Sefard siddur. (This is common
practice in all Ashkenazic Breslover kehillos.) Since Reb Gedaliah did
not tell his family members or talmidim to follow his personal nusach,
it is has never been followed by the Tzefas kehillah (except for a few nus’chos
passed on in the name of Reb Avraham Sternhartz).
of Eretz Yisrael, it is customary on weekdays to recite the passage "Borukh
HaShem le-olam amen vi-amen." This reflects Nusach Ashkenaz,
and also was the minhag of the Baal Shem Tov. However, in Eretz Yisrael
this passage is omitted.
(RaMA, Orach Chaim
236:2. Re. the Baal Shem Tov’s minhag, see Imrei Pinchas 432; Shulchan
ha-Tahor, Arvis 236:1; Mishmeres Shalom [Kaidinov] 23:2. Reb Noson darshans
on this passage in Likutey Halakhos, Birkhas ha-Shachar 5:32.)
According to the nusach of the Baal Shem Tov and most Chassidim
in chutz la’aretz, on Motza’ei Shabbos and Motza’ei Yom Tov, "Borukh HaShem le-olam amen vi-amen” is not
recited. This is the common practice in Breslov kehillos, as well.
example, see Likutey MaHaRICH, Vol. I, p. 285, s.v. vi-hinei yesh
she-ein omrim pesukim eilu)
At the end of the
day Reb Yosef Yonah, a younger son of Reb Noson—who was said to have inherited
his father’s temimus—would exclaim: “Togg, togg, mit vos bist du aribber? Togg,
togg, mit vos geist du avek fun mir? . . . Day, day, how have you passed?
Day, day, with what are you departing from me?” This was a paraphrase of Sippurey
Ma’asiyos (“Seven Beggars,” The Third Day). Reb Yosef Yonah’s grandchildren
often used to go to hear him bid farewell to the day.
(Heard from Rabbi
Moshe Bienenstock. He added that Breslover Chassidim of previous generations
were fluent in Sippurey Ma’asiyos, and often used to intersperse such
sayings into their conversations and everyday life. Reb Yosef Yonah was the father-in-law of Reb Avraham
Sternhartz, as well as his great-uncle.)
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