Thursday, September 12, 2013

Jewcology: Just How Much Difference Do 2 Degrees Make?


Just How Much Difference Do 2 Degrees Make?
During the heat of summer, it can be tempting to set the thermostat to “arctic freeze.” But there is a cost to constantly running the energy-intensive air conditioner, and by keeping the temperature slightly higher, you can reduce your electricity consumption and lower your energy bill. Try raising the temperature setting on your AC by 2 degrees this summer. 
Need extra cooling? Instead of lowering the temperature setting, use a fan to circulate air, a more efficient choice.

Online tool: EPA’s “Reducing Energy Use” page is full of ways to cut energy expense, encompassing both heating and cooling. 

By taking this action you can save approximately 115 kWh in a year.  Learn more about our assumptions in the Year of Action.

Take this action now on your individualized My Savings page. (You must be logged in to Jewcology to access this page.  Not yet a member?  It's free and easy to join!)

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