Friday, March 6, 2020

BRI Announcement: The American Breslov Pioneer

From BRI:

Dear Friends and Students of Rabbi Rosenfeld z"l, 

It is our great pleasure to announce that the Breslov Research Institute has nearly completed the biography of Rabbi Rosenfeld z"l.

This work is a product of many years of research and interviews and it contains a full history of his life, insights into other Torah leaders he was in contact with, hundreds of great quips and stories as well as his precious Divrei Torah.

It is truly an incredible tribute to the Rabbi that was the ultimate Rebbe and a best friend to so many.

Attached is a small sample for you to enjoy.

We need your support to bring the story of this legendary, modern day tzaddik to the Jewish world.

Please click here now to show your support and help publicize the life of an unmatched Torah Scholar, lover of Jews and pioneer in his time.

Thank you, Purim Sameach!
Bobby Rosenberg (Senior Editor)
Yossi Katz (Executive Director, BRI USA)

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